Progressive Courses

January 01, 1970

Yoga for Beginners Online

If you want to try yoga but are not sure how to begin, or deepen your understanding of the foundations of yoga, this course will teach you the basics of an informed and healthy yoga practice.
January 01, 1970

Sacred Gut Healing – Listen to Your Gut

Journey through the digestive tract; see how digestion should optimally work, what can go wrong and how to recognize your specific symptoms so that you can start taking gut repairing action. Learn how to truly listen to what your inflamed tummy is trying to tell you so that you can give it exactly what it needs to heal. Leave with a 3 Day Meal Plan to kick start your digestive healing journey.
January 01, 1970

Sacred Gut Healing – Digestive Repairing Protocols

In this workshop we will dive deep into digestively healing protocols, determining your gut triggers with zero doubt and eliminating inflammation in your tummy, body and beautiful brain.
January 01, 1970

Sacred Gut Healing – Powerfully Healing Foods

Food can inflame our bellies and food can powerfully heal it. From broths to fermented foods, learn how to prepare and easily include gut healing foods into your meals. Samples included!
January 01, 1970

Sacred Gut Healing – The Gut Brain Connection

When it comes to digestive healing the gut brain connection MATTERS and is essential for healing. We start the workshop with a 30 min talk on the incredible bond between our tummies and our mind followed by a restorative yoga class.
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