June 2, 2012

Brahmacharya – Wise Use of Energy

What’s your Ultimate Reality? Literally translated, Brahmacharya, has been said to be “a lifestyle adopted to enable one to attain the ultimate reality.” Brahma is the […]
May 23, 2012

Walk Down A Different Street

Some of us are committed to constant self-improvement, as it’s a meaningful journey towards personal transformation. Breaking a habit isn’t always easy and if it involves […]
May 14, 2012

Asteya – Non-Stealing and Generosity

What are you stealing? If that seems a little harsh, bear with me. The third Yama, Asteya, reminds us to take only what is freely given […]
April 20, 2012

Satya – Truthfulness

Is the truth out there? While we may have been drawn into the idea that “the truth is out there” by certain teachings (or X-Files), with […]
April 17, 2012

Finding Your Edge

A guide to embracing your authenticity. You are authentic whether you believe it or not. You have an edge. How can you find it? Your thoughts, […]
February 21, 2012

Ahimsa – Non-harming or Love

What’s love got to do with yoga? EVERYTHING :) In the last blog post, I wrote a little about the non-harming side of the first Yama, […]
February 8, 2012

Fear and Loathing in Vinyasa

What does your Vinyasa look and feel like? A smooth flowing sequence? A struggle on your mat? A moving meditation? Bits and pieces of each as […]
January 9, 2012

Om or Ow?

by Karen MacKenzie and Alissa Martin In last Thursday’s NY Times, author William J. Broad wrote an article about the shadow-side of yoga: the injuries that […]
December 21, 2011

I Am The Gift

There is something that I look forward to every year at Christmas. It is not the food, the presents, the fun or even the company for […]
November 30, 2011

Five Holiday Stress Busters

The holiday season has kicked off in its usual high voltage style. What will you do to manage the demands of work, family and sometimes ‘impossible’ […]
November 17, 2011


We all face them at some point. Sometimes purposefully (as in the 30 day challenge) and sometimes by circumstance. What we do with them is up […]
November 2, 2011

Endings and Beginnings

With endings, come beginnings. With new beginnings, an end must occur. Change is inevitable in life. At Kushala Yoga there have been many exciting endings and […]
October 15, 2011

Kula Yoga is Now Kushala Yoga

It is with much excitement that we announce (and a little nostalgia) that Kula Yoga is changing its name to Kushala Yoga, effective immediately.
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