Anticipating the Holidays
November 1, 2017Devotion: Your Heartfelt Attention
January 3, 2018Even with good intentions, this month can stretch our energy in many directions, with preparations, travel and gatherings. At times, it is nearly impossible not to be caught up in the rush from place to place. Even if it feels more difficult to slow down and step onto your mat, this practice is especially valuable to reconnect with what grounds you. The distinction between “place” and “ground” is one that has been considered by Buddhists for centuries: where we can become preoccupied with our place, but forget the ground. Place is ever changing, whereas ground is a steadiness of being that comes from connecting to who we really are. By opening to the sensations of our bodies and breath, we can step in a little closer. By expanding our practice to new patterns of experience, we can sense the parts of ourselves that we may take for granted. We hope to see you often on your mat over the coming months.