Yoga for Healthy Hips and Back

Pace: Gentle

The hips and spine are the epicentre of our body’s movements. They need to be strong, stable and flexible in order to move easefully and without pain.

You will be guided through carefully curated poses, movements and stretches, focusing on enhancing hip and back mobility, relieving discomfort, and promoting overall wellness. Through the practice of mindful asanas and gentle stretches, you will not only alleviate pain and tension but also strengthen the supporting muscles, fostering a healthier, more resilient foundation. Join us on the path to greater mobility and well-being. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or just starting your yoga journey, this class is designed to cater to all levels

You will learn to:

  • Find comfort in your body, and reduce pain, by releasing tension and compression in your hips and back
  • Improve circulation and breathing through gently dynamic movements and breathing exercises
  • Prevent injury by developing healthier alignment patterns for your hips and back

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Yoga for Healthy Hips and Back Class Schedule

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